Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Flushed Away...

This morning Leah and I went with friends to see Flushed Away in the theater. AMC movie theater have a summer movie camp where they offer a free movie each Wed. morning in the summer, and this morning the movie was Flushed Away. It was Leah's theater movie, so I was hoping it would capture her attention for the duration. She loved it! Combine the movie with their special kid pack snack (small popcorn, drink, and candy for $3...not bad theater prices) it was an inexpensive morning out. I'm going to go tomorrow morning to pick up tickets for next week, as I've found out it's best to get these in advance.

Flushed Away was not a movie I'd heard a whole lot about, but I found it to be very entertaining. There were even things that made me laugh...not quite up to Shrek-standard, but still a fun movie. I thought Kate Winslet did a remarkable job voicing the sewer rat "Rita". I remember seeing her interviewed about this movie and she said she was glad that she had a movie she could bring her kids to. On a slightly deeper level, I thought the movie portrayed nicely the need that we have for relationships, and the benefit of befriending someone not exactly like us.

All in all...a good, inexpensive way to stay cool on a hot July morning.

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